A 16mm Black and White short film focused around feeling isolated, dealing or not dealing with important issues and what that says about you as a person. Do you allow yourself and others the room to feel a little delirious and still be comfortable.
A 16mm Handmade film with digital montage elements. You can't control how people perceive you, sometimes you do your best and it just doesn't work out and it's okay to sit down for a bit and try again. Some people will always be scared of you, and some people just won't love you. It's alright. It's a piece of creative geography that plays with the location's geography and the frame in which you view it.

Love, Will, and Wisdom
Directed and edited by River Ouellette, Love, Will, and Wisdom is an insightful look into The Temple of Witchcraft, a religious organization based in Salem, New Hampshire through the eyes of experts: High priests, ministers, and founders in the temple. As lots of the people involved with this project are capable authors and speakers, River gives them the floor and lets them move through their personal and unique experiences with witchcraft and the temple. Alexander Bardo does the score, which was both crafted scene by scene for the documentary and incorporates Rites used in temple rituals and initiations. Since its debut, it has garnered over 20,000 views on YouTube.